Domains registered in past few months (Only Domains)

Below files contains only domain names not whois database. All domain lists are in text files compressed with zip. There is one single file for entire month. After payment we will give you a cloud link or sent you database via to your registered email id there you can download the files.

Month Count Price Sample Purchase
Mar_2024 3,146,719 $20
Feb_2024 3,458,698 $20
Jan_2024 3,907,469 $20
Dec_2023 4,035,970 $20
Nov_2023 3,735,843 $20
Oct_2023 3,788,015 $20
Sep_2023 3,552,138 $20
Aug_2023 3,377,912 $20
Jul_2023 3,268,141 $20
Jun_2023 3,271,015 $20
May_2023 3,317,885 $20
Apr_2023 3,311,735 $20

Whois Database of past few months (Domains + Whois)

Below files contains domain names with whois database. All lists are in CSV files compressed with zip. There is single files for each day. After payment we will give you a cloud link or sent you database via to your registered email id there you can download the files.

Month Count Price Sample Purchase
Mar_2024 3,055,882 $70
Feb_2024 3,164,346 $70
Jan_2024 3,378,339 $70
Dec_2023 3,363,797 $70
Nov_2023 3,640,866 $70
Oct_2023 4,022,606 $70
Sep_2023 3,218,390 $70
Aug_2023 3,176,226 $70
Jul_2023 3,102,670 $70
Jun_2023 3,292,089 $70
May_2023 3,348,026 $70
Apr_2023 3,313,839 $70